
  • AMOC issues annual reports in accordance with the provisions of laws, regulations and decisions issued by the FRA, which includes data regarding the company’s financial statements and information that important to shareholders and stakeholders, such as the corporate governance report and BOD Report attached to the Financial statements that is prepared in accordance with Article 40 of the EGX Listing Rules
  • AMOC issues quarterly disclosures as well in accordance with corporate law and EGX Listing Rules, such as the Disclosure Report that includes data for shareholders and members of the BOD Members
  • Succession Planning: AMOC provides an internal regulation for procedures and evaluations made to appointments and promotions within the framework of securing best qualified personnel for the company in the appropriate locations.
  • Whistleblowing: AMOC through its internal paths, encourages its employees and stakeholders to report any Void or illegal practices to any rules regarding ethical behavior through.
  • Insiders & Stakeholders: The mechanisms of insider trading controlled accordance with forms and procedures stipulated by the EGX withing the permitted periods. Dealing with Related parties and Compensatory Contract are regulated according to the rules of the regulatory authorities to secure best practices.
  • Social and Environmental Responsibility Policy: The company adopts a clear policy on its social and environmental responsibility, as well as its continuous commitment to contribute to economic and community development through social and environmental responsibility initiatives.